How did I get here?

Tatiana Franklin offers Pranic Healing and Coaching near you

I am a channel and facilitator for healing, delivered to you in the form of Pranic Healing, Energy Coaching, Spiritual Intuitive messages and programmed crystals.

Tatiana Franklin

Energy Coach + Healing Practitioner + Crystal Whisperer

The early years…

Born and raised in Peru, I come from a long line of cartomancers (those able to interpret a deck of cards through divination), empaths and intuitives who had the remarkable innate gift of knowing.

The closest relative I had who was a Spanish card deck reader was my grandmother-- a blue-eyed, savvy, gifted and strong-willed woman. Her occupation supported her family with the money she earned from giving readings and guidance to her faithful clientele; but she didn’t just read card spreads—she knew things her predictions came to be all the time. My mother, another strong-willed female source of inspiration, used her intuition as the driving wheel behind all major life decisions. Growing up with intuitive gifts was a given but without the understanding or appreciation I have for them now. 

I always felt different as a young girl. My gut would tell me clearly when someone was lying, or if I needed to keep my distance from certain places or people. My mind became a playground of vivid imagination but I quickly understood that not all the things I thought I imagined were made up— those images that played in my mind like movie clips, were actually premonitions and answers to questions or situations I would have later on.

On the lighter side, my childhood included an eclectic combination of memories from birthday parties, camping on the beach, getting limpias (a type of swiping or cleansing of the lower or negative energies on your body) from my mom or my closest aunt, and the obligated bible study class. On the not-so-lighter side, my collection of memories included asthma attacks, hearing car bombs explode in the distance, learned tolerance towards abuse and violence, and loss. At the age of nine, my grandmother became suddenly ill. I didn’t know why but I started avoiding her. One day, almost as if guided to do so, I caught a glimpse of her face while she was lying in bed, and her blue eyes looked grey. Seeing her eyes as if all light had been sucked out of them made me realize my avoidance came from resisting the acceptance that she didn’t have much time left. I never said anything to my mother— I was afraid to do so in light of her fervent prayers for my grandmother’s recovery. A few days later, against my mother’s hope, my grandmother passed early on a November morning.

Life is an accumulation of cycles…

The two themes I grew up with were: we accept things we shouldn’t accept, and we don’t talk about any of those things. These themes made me mature into a young woman with “tough skin” and almost unemotional in the face of painful or stressful events. That meant that the same bravado fueling my independence, strong will and focus also led me to tolerate machismo, abusive relationships and a lot of emotional repression because I just had to be tough and push through. As a young woman, I was confused, and I didn’t even know who I really was. I felt lost and I had issues that needed to be addressed and healed. I did not want to stay in that space because it didn’t feel good to me—I had enough. That cycle ended as I realized the way I grew up and how it affected me as an adult, was not the way I wanted my life to continue to be. So I became my own catalyst for change. I left the relationship that had taken advantage of me and wounded me; I quit the job that unfulfilled me and where my actual gifts were not used, and I moved from the place that no longer served me or my impending higher purpose.

So what do I do next? I asked myself. I connected the dots… All my life I had felt drawn to help others in the same exact way that I wished someone would have helped me though my dark chapters. I quit the safety of having a salary and I transitioned myself to a temporary role that allowed me to have the time and energy to enroll in class. The process of becoming a Certified Life Coach was extremely transformative for me because for the first time ever, I looked back through those formative years and gave myself the permission to experience all the feelings I repressed. I was able to dialogue with my inner child, hear her share all the things that were painful for her, let her experience sadness and anger in a safe space created by the adult version of her that was a survivor ready to thrive. I validated her, I gave her compassion and I promised her that things were changing for the better and that now life was going to be filled with opportunity.  

What came next blew my mind

It was through becoming a certified professional coach that I realized I was more than a coach—I felt deep down, I was ready to understand what my gifts meant. I discovered that I am an Empath and highly sensitive person.

Accepting my own gifts opened the door wide open for me to get started on my Spiritual Path. Learning and discovering my ability to channel healing for others was and still is, the most rewarding awakening I’ve experienced. I initially became a Usui Reiki Master for self-healing from chronic migraines. Still, I spent some time in the “healer closet” and I had a hard time admitting to others that I was into “energy stuff.” While the universe was patient with me, it pointed me to a life-changing event and experience that would catapult me into the next chapter in my life.

Empowered by Tony Robbins to walk on red hot coals in a cold night in New Jersey, put me in the perfect state to be ready for my next assignment to be revealed to me. There I was, exhilarated and full of joy thinking this was just an amazing bucket list item I had just checked off my list, but the best was yet to come. The next day, in last day of Unleash the Power Within, I saw Master Stephen Co get up on stage and talk about Pranic Healing. That day, Master Co guided thousands of people, including me, through the most energy-altering, purest-love-feeling, and crying-out-of-joy Twin Hearts meditation. The tears of pure joy and gratefulness were still running down my cheeks as I said to myself:  I need to become a Pranic Healer and I want Master Stephen Co to be my teacher. So I enrolled in his classes and traveled to California to learn from him. One of the best decisions of my life. The training and the knowledge I gained allowed me to build up the self-confidence needed to come out of the “Healer closet.”

Messages from Beyond

As I started incorporating Pranic Healing during my client sessions, a magical thing started happening too.   During these sessions, I started being presented with images and messages from loved ones who had passed. Guides and Healing Angels came through as well. To my shock, those messages made complete sense to those receiving them! Even when loved ones may be shy and don’t show up, my intuition and knowledge of energy allows me read what’s beneath the surface and has allowed me to provide the necessary support, guidance and even predict upcoming milestone events for many grateful clients. I am so grateful for this gift that has been given to me.

What now?

I am continually integrating my training into deep experiences for my clients and those seeking relief from their pain or imbalance. That self integration allowed me to remain open to diversifying, so I turned my forever love for crystals and crystal jewelry into Citrine Prana, a business that brings unique high grade crystal finds, crystal statement pieces and hand-made crystal jewelry to aid and support your energy balance and home or business protection.

As a lover of learning, I continue to deepen my knowledge of Pranic Healing, a path that has taken me through a deeper spiritual practice, Arhatic Yoga, which is allowing me to integrate all aspects of my life, for the purpose of service to others and ultimately for the betterment of humans.

My path is full of experiences. Regardless of where you are in your path, know that the power behind the dark episodes in your life lies within the realization that you are not that past, you are not that trauma, you are not those limiting beliefs, you are not those perceived obstacles in your path, and you are not that pain. As real as those things feel (I know it, I’ve been there), those are a type of energy that can be transformed. That is why, you are the stronger, wiser, courageous person that has decided to flourish from that. It’s all about understanding how energy works, how your mind works, where your energy blockages are, understanding old programming received during formative years or impactful previous chapters in your life, and consciously choosing to shift that energy for the better, stronger, healed version of you. At the end of the day, all we’re doing is clearing the way so you can get to the mountain top and hear the music, feel the breeze and smile at this blessing called life.

Send me an email and I’d be happy to answer any questions about how my services can help you get to the next level. To read a “one-pager” of all my services, please go here, or click the “I am ready” button below to schedule a session.